additive color system

OBJECTIVE: teach science.


SUGGESTED KIT: 1 red LED module, 1 green LED module, 1 blue LED module, 3 intensity modules, 3 energy modules and 6 cables.

Colors are always present in our lives and they're a great toll to introduce kids to science.

This prototype teaches the difference between additive color systems (light mixture) and subtractive color systems (pigment mixtures).
The subtractive color can be demonstrated with paint and color pens. The additive system can be demonstrated with the LEDs.
Science teachers can demonstrate the differences using this experiment.
Plug the LED module in the intensity module and this one in the energy module. Do the same to the other 2 colors. Then, stick with adhesive tape the three modules, so it would stay really close to each other.
To mix the colors, cover the LEDs with a translucent deodorant cap or any other translucent plastic jar. If the jar is too transparent for the light to spread, add some white paper layers or paint it white.
Using the dimmer module you can create several colors.
Imagine e assemble a structure where this light will be placed. It can be a spaceship or any other thing that has multiple color lights.
Each kid must tell the others about his/hers experience (how they've done it, what did they liked more, how does their's work and so on).

Document everything (test, take pictures, film it) and send us so we can publish it on the website :D