In the last years, several wonderful educational kits appeared. We’re fans of some of them. But they all have in common a price that isn’t affordable for needy communities’ educational.
These kits costs from US$ 100 – US$ 300. To a school values are usually over US$ 2000. With import and costs and taxes, price grows even further. In Brazilian stores, it isn’t uncommon to find toys marked four or five times its original price.
And that’s why we say that RUTE is not competing with these kits. For those who cannot afford, we’re not a cheaper and simpler option, we are the only option.
Another important feature is that several of the existing kits aren’t fully open hardware, and doesn’t allow replications without the payment of royalties or licenses. We believe that was necessary to do something simpler, that didn’t require advanced manufacturing techniques. Being rudimentary helps us in 4 points:
1Lower developing costs, because it doesn’t need molds for plastic injection, printed circuit boards or automated manufacturing.
2People in distant regions can produce their own kits, using tools and components that are easy to find.
3Possibility of using electronic scrap, which makes the kit even cheaper and nature thanks.
4Makes understanding electronics easier. To a child, an integrated circuit board is much harder to understand then a button soldered in a connector.

Who’s behind the project
Conception: Ricardo Cavallini
Engineering: Rafael Lopes, Ricardo Cavallini and Felipe Bombacini
Logo: Mauricio Zuardi
Site: Jonas Felipe, Lilian Cavallini and Willian Mauricio
Angel Company: MAKERS
Main video: Lobo, Vetor Zero, Andre Rosa, Andréia De Marchi, Camila Saporito Cavallini, Carolina Maldonado, D. Lee Peffer II, Fabiana Fukui, Fabiano Broki, Gabriela Concilio Almeida, Guilherme Pennachia Eschenbach, Nany and Nando Cohen
Soldering tutorials videos: Colírio Vídeos, Stéfano Poggiogalli, Juan Couso and Felipe Siqueira
Translation: Bruno Tartari
Special Thanks: Eduardo Salles Pimenta, Gui Okazaki, Heinar Maracy, Lucio Assis, Luis Neto Dorça Guimarães and Rute Bauer
how to help
There are several manners of helping our project, here are some of them:
- The easier one, help us to spread our initiative
- Translate our website to your country’s language
- Donate a Kit. You can either assemble on or buy the necessary parts to someone else assemble it
- Create a class or workshop using our kit (some examples)
- Find out what kind of scrap can be used to extract the components for existing and new kits
- Produce, certify and sell kits with industrial quality (talk to us)
- If you work for a big corporation, there are many ways to sponsor the project, contact us
- If you understand electronics, help us to create new functionalities